Because faith works (Hit6) – the site of Christians of faith
At the end of November 2017, a website was launched on the web at www.hit6.hu. The intention of the editors is to strengthen the evangelical faith of Christians in Hungary, building on what unites members of different denominations. The domain name of the site is a play on words with a message, which is made clear by a short phrase on the front page: ‘because faith works – if it doesn’t work, it’s not faith, if it’s not faith, it doesn’t work’.
This website draws attention to the importance of the role of the profession of faith in the life of Christians today, because “as in all ages, so now, on the basis of Scripture, we need Christ-followers who are certain in their faith in Christ alone, faithful to its content in their lives, and ready to confess it. Only such could and can be a tasty salt, the light of the world, a city built on a mountain, and a shining and radiant lamp shining on all.” This website therefore presents the answers given by the Bible to the current questions of our time, thus encouraging and exhorting as many as possible to a life of faith without words.
Radical life programme
This is very much needed, as true Christ-followers are exposed to many dangers. It is just as bad if their faith is reconciled and makes peace with the ungodly world as it is if it turns into blatant hypocrisy, if it degenerates into unloving legalism, or if it loses its credibility or becomes monotonous habit. The way Jesus preached to his followers might best be described as a counter-culture, in stark contrast to the way the world as we know it has functioned and continues to function in the past and in the present. The teachings of Jesus offer a radical and exclusive programme of life, the implementation of which is as challenging today as it was in antiquity.
It is no coincidence that when Jesus came, he called for repentance, for a change of life, and for a new birth. For the life he offers in the kingdom of God is unthinkable without radical and complete change. That is why Christianity is not about improving things a little, about taking up some new habits, or even about changing one’s way of life, but “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things are passed away, behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor 5:17). The emphasis is therefore not on our own strength, will or motives, but on the life-forming work of the Holy Spirit. The testimony of the Bible is that we can only become true Christians, true followers of Christ, through conversion, rebirth, recreation and transformation. This is a Christian faith that is active and effective, that is neither idle nor unfruitful in the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Today’s creeds
That is why Christians are not called to reformulate the Word of God to meet the expectations and demands of the times, but are called to conform their lives to the Revelation today. In order to fulfil their mission, they do not need to undertake such seemingly sound activities as adapting the biblical text of the Lord’s Prayer or neutralising the gender of Jesus, but above all they must faithfully adhere to the Word of God.
This is what the Christian Church has been striving to do since the time of the Apostles, responding to new challenges from time to time with new creeds. From the very beginning, it has been the means by which we can adapt our way of life and our thinking to the Word of God. A common confession of faith is always a reflection of the Church’s communion on the current temptations of the spirit of the age, a response which points the way to the biblical direction and confirms Christian fidelity to it. It is active Christian fidelity to Christ and his teaching that can influence and shape the world.
Of course, the dangers and temptations change with fashions and cultural emphases. The old issues may not always seem so serious at first glance from today’s perspective. For example, to be able to so bluntly demolish the IV. It took centuries for us to be able to soberly condemn the Nicene Creed of the 4th century AD in a church service – for which, by the way, Bishop Athanasius suffered several exiles for his testimony to Christ – without centuries of thought. This is partly due to habit, but also to the fact that the creed has done its work well among us, and the temptation to heresy that was once strong has now faded.
Drop in the ocean
Nowadays, we often emphasise the importance of the individual over the community, and it is not fashionable to say that our uniqueness can only be truly valued by the community. Many people also feel that creeds have become obsolete, saying that they can easily disabuse people of their thinking. Of course, this can indeed happen if we repeat them without meaning, as magic mantras. However, this view also assumes that people can find the truth through reason alone. But the biblical creed, rightly and intelligently confessed, corrects our thinking. Even if there are obviously external and internal differences between us, it is important that we also express our communion again and again. For a common stand, though it may not often seem so, is vital for individuals too. And if the apostles or the Reformer forerunners had not taken a stand to bear witness to the biblical response to current issues, there would certainly be no Christianity today, and we would not be believers. If there is no confession of faith, assimilation is inevitable, and we blend in imperceptibly with the world.
Our politically correct world is not conducive to devout Christianity. For the sake of “peace”, many people prefer to hide their Christian faith, lest they harm or hurt many by their stand. Such people forget that the way of Jesus is not the way of peace for the world. He did bring us reconciliation with God, but he also brought us the sword, enmity and disunity with the world. A Christianity that can live in peace with the world has little to do with its namesake.
The Hit6 site aims to introduce Christians to old and new biblical beliefs while providing an interactive opportunity for visitors to express their faith. In doing so, it seeks to promote biblical vision, living and thinking in the Church of Christ. As promised on the front page, the Nashville Declaration on Human Sexuality and Gender Roles was the first to appear on the site. This modern, Christian statement of faith, born in the United States in 2017, is something that we would like to see more people reading and signing, as the website offers the opportunity to do so. It is planned to publish other statements of faith on other important issues from time to time, so it is worth checking back from time to time.
What impact can one website have, just one of millions of websites on the web? – you might ask. When in doubt, it’s good to remind ourselves that as Christian people, we are often just a drop in the ocean. But more than anything else, we must remain faithful to Christ, who has entrusted us with the task.
Tamás J. Győri